I recently came across this amazing charity for prisoners -
Fine Cell Work. All the members of the group are serving prisoners who like to create. They do the most exquisite embroidery, make quilts, cushions and also do some card making. Their work is of such a high quality that much has been recently showcased at the V & A and many designers are commissioning their work. Lots of beautiful items can be bought through their on-line shop and prisoners can also be sponsored to design and make a piece especially for you.
Ottoman Flowers Cushion Detail |
The prices for the items are fairly high but the idea behind the charity is to teach prisoners new skills before they leave prison and also to give them some hope of having the chance of a reasonably paid profession upon their release. The dual purpose of independence and rehabilitation is a great one to support.
Polly Design Cushion |
I particularly liked this cushion which has some expert embroidery and retails at £75
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