Thursday, 2 June 2016

Carrot And Pecan Cake

Little Variation On Carrot And Walnut Cake

I started to make a carrot cake. I was drooling over the Internet photos of carrot and walnut cake this morning until I discovered that I had no walnuts but plenty of pecans. So this is an experiment, which I hope will work. I shall top it with a cream cheese icing.


6 oz. grated carrots
juice and zest of one orange
8oz olive oil
4 eggs
12 oz. self raising flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. ginger
4oz (walnuts) pecan nuts - roughly chopped


Mix all together in a large bowl (I did not use the Kitchen Aid, merely a hand bowl and wooden spoon so as not to break up the nuts too much).

Put into a lined and greased cake tin, (8" diameter), and bake at 150 degrees for one hour. Test with a cocktail stick and remove from oven when it comes out dry. Cool in tin for a few minutes before placing on a cooling grid.


Now this is ready to pop into the oven.  I shall look at it again in an hour, although it could take just a little longer  - 1hour - 1 hour fifteen minutes. This is the finished cake...

Iced with cream cheese and icing sugar

It tasted very good although I did miss the walnuts - just a little.

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